
It has been nearly a year since my last post.  It’s ridiculous, really.  I have been busy with work and life, but I miss blogging.  I miss writing for me.  I miss sharing my photos and adventures!  So, I’m going to catch you up with what has been going on over the last ten months and then we’ll try this personal blogging thing again :)

In 2013 I…

*Photographed 18 weddings and over 200 portrait sessions!  Honestly, I’m not even quite sure how that’s possible, but my records say it happened so it must be true.  Interested in looking through a few of those weddings or sessions?  You can check them out on my site here: Ali Lauren Creative Services

*I said goodbye to my dear sweet bunny and had a tattoo done in her honor.


Still needs a bit of work in this image, but it’s completed now :)


*I traveled overseas for the first time with Mr. T. to Dublin, Ireland.

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*I was published by these guys: Lemonade and Lenses!  I had another article published with them in January and have a third coming out in the March issue :)

*I was asked to join the team at City Slicker.  I’ve been writing for them for a few months now and I feel extremely fortunate to have joined such a great team of people.

*I participated in a handful of art shows and was asked to join the crazy talented team at the What Women Show for the Red Carpet photography.


*We dropped everything and bought three tickets to game 5 of the NHL playoffs!  My Dad is a Blackhawks fan and we love the Bruins so it was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

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*I crossed the two final bands off of my ‘Must See’ list :)  Great Big Sea and Sir Paul McCartney.  I cried at both concerts.

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*I drove in a vehicle for 70 hours with my Mom, Dad, and Uncle, to shoot my cousin’s wedding just outside of Alaska.  It was worth every long minute of the drive!  You can view the wedding photos I shot while there on my website here!

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*The CFL team Mr. T. works for, the Roughriders, won the Grey Cup!!!


Us trying, and failing horribly at taking a self-portrait with the cup!

*We brought another fuzzy bum into our family.  We adopted a Staffordshire Terrier named Anglea Lansbury.  Jelly, for short.


And, just for good measure, a really funny picture of Gertrude to make you smile!


With that, I think you’re caught up on some of the major events since we last spoke.  I truly do miss this space so I’m doing my best to pencil ‘blogging’ into my work schedule, which hopefully means you’ll be seeing more of me :)



2 thoughts on “Update!

  1. OMG I love the tattoo of Rox…….I didn’t know you had one done. That’s one heck of a year young lady, I don’t know how you did that many weddings and portrait sessions. I look forward to the upcoming articles and more blogging from you.

    1. Thank you, Christine! I actually had it started before she passed away and then went in for my second/final sitting right after she passed.
      Lol it was a busy year, in the best way :) The crazy part, I have quite a few more weddings booked this year than last so it should be another good one!
      Thanks for following along on here, I always get so excited to see your comments :)

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